Monday, August 29, 2011

The Swedish girl who went up a mountain and never came back

Just before the rooster called out the start of a new day, I woke up and got ready for this monday mornings mission: to find a computer store in Malta. You see, Malta does not have a city center, their shops are just placed randomly, I imagine it is because they need something to do here.
"Lets go and find a shop" - mystery. Anyhow, prepered with a bottle of water and my computer, I set off.

Now you might wonder if I had any idea of where I was supposed to go. Well as always in Malta, I had looked at a map on the job computer, tried to remember where it was at, repressed all memories I had about how I was always lost and then started walking trying to find this little mountain store. It did not go too bad, after walking uphill for 45 minutes, I decided to stand on a stone, and there I was. But it is not enough to know where it is at, the biggest problem in Malta is to figure out how you are supposed to walk there. Nemas problemas, I thought, I will pretend that Im a car. I crossed a round-about as fast as a ferrari and saw a little sign "Klikk computer store" - go to the left. Happy about my success as a car, I started walking to the left.

But as always when I think I have figured out how the map system works in Malta, I was lost again. Soon I was surrounded by half-naked maltese men saying hello. Soon enough, however, I found a women in a worse state than me. Her car was broken down, and she was sitting underneath a palm three, relaxing, waiting for someone to come and fix her car.

- Excuse me, do you know how I can find Klikk computer store?
The women looked at me, with a smile that made me realize that she was feeling more sorry about my situation, than her own. After half giggling for like 2 minutes, she answered.
- Yes, well you kind of have to walk there dont you. So try to go up there, because the store is alongside the main road, and that´s not where you are right now.

I followed her advice, strangely enough, but it was the only one advice I had. After another 10 minutes, I was as close to the main road as I could be, if there wouldnt be a fucking fence between us.

But all of a sudden, Karma went on a break, and I found a hole, sneaked through it like I was rambo. But no, nowhere was the store to be seen. Since I walked around now for nearly 90 minutes and I had to go to my job, I decided it was time to go back, and just hope that the computer store would be on my way.

And guess what, IT WAS!

I went in, talked with this maltese IT-guy (yes he looked like you would expect him to look like if you work with computers anywhere at anytime) and after trying this and that, he stated with a clear voice.
- I believe that your problem is that your charger doesnt work.
Afraid that he would be offeneded, I did not mention that this was what I said when I came in to the store 15 minutes earlier.

He went to get me a new charger, and for some minutes there I was in heaven. Until we all realized that he could not accept my foreign credit card. Oh the joy.
So I just gave up, realized that I had to go to work now anyhow. And left. And talking about left, on the way back, I saw that if I had just walked right, instead of following the left sign, I would have saved 30 minutes of being lost.

You would think that this was the end of Gabbis looking for a computer store in the maltese mountains. But no. On the way back, I got lost. Ofcourse. I had no more water, I was about to start work and even though I was on top of a mountain where I could see the whole of Malta, I could not even locate where I lived, even less I could figure out where the fuck I worked.

After running around, screaming in a high pitch voice "WHERE IS THE SKATE PARK, WHERE IS THE SKATE PARK!" I finally found it. I ran, in 35 degrees celsius down the mountain, and somehow I found my job. 20 minutes late.

So now everyone, especially my boss, thinks Im a person without any job morals. Which is not true.

Im just a person without any sence of geography. And also a person without a computer.



Rebecka said...

det började med att jag skrattade då jag fick en väldigt fin bild över hur det hela såg ut. sen blev det mer och mer att jag tyckte synd om dig. för lite synd är det..

hoppas du löser det!

linnea said...

man kan verkligen tro att du aldrig kom ner från berget...

Cajsa said...

Du borde skaffa en GPS att ha i handväskan.