Monday, August 1, 2011

The problems with being a facebook stalker

Tonight, one of my flatmates and I took a big step in our relationship; we decided to add each other on facebook! After a thorough search, I finally found Imanes profile and clicked add. A big screen came up and said DENIED, and then they added this explanation: (Click to see large picture)

Apparently, facebook thinks Im one of those users who goes around and adds people randomly, writing sexy messages to them and whatnot. So, if you feel that I somehow molested you into being my facebookfriend, please speak up now. This is the ONLY legitimate time to unfriend me!

And if you do unfriend me, dont be suprised if I suddenly start to (drunk) poke you constantly, it is just the sad way of life for a crazy facebook stalker addict like myself.

1 comment:

Mallan said...

Hahaha! Aamazing!