Sunday, July 31, 2011

Malta ABC

My blog is not only about telling people of how I got lost all the f-ing time, it is also like a diary for me, to read and remeinisce about in the future. I think my biggest mistake in HK (concerning the blog, I did bigger mistakes in HK, trust me) was that I did not really write about HKs spirit, the little facts and things that reminds you that you are not at home, but somewhere else, experiencing a new culture and a foreign country. So therefore, I hereby introduce a new category in my blog:

Malta ABC.

First out is obviously F.

This weekend I have mostly just chilled out on my terass, sunbathing and reading a book. I lay there, enjoying an ice cream of any sort, when suddenly I hear a BOM! and another BOM! BOM! BOM! Instincly, I throw myself on the ground, thinking Libya is here to conquer Malta before I have even had the chance to putting my plans into action. After a while I relize, that it is not big international conflict that is disturbing my peaceful weekend, it is fireworks. In broad daylight. Apparently, the Maltese people love fireworks so much, that they dont even care that you only see a little cloud of smoke if you shoot fireworks in the middle of the day. Monday to Sunday, morning as well as night, there is fireworks. The joy of fireworks is not the colours, it is the sound. The bigger bom, the more joy they seem to think.

But somehow I like their attitude; they dont care that Malta has one of the smallest economies in Europe, they dont care that the world just experienced a big economic reset, AND they dont care that it is not new years. They just want to blow up (literaly) millions of dollars every day, and hey, who doesnt?

I just figure that they must really love their firework, OR in worst case, this is their best defence strategy to scare Libya away. If that is the case, you cant blame them for not being creative with their means. A more beautiful and peaceful military strategy can not be found anywhere.

1 comment:

idamamman said...

Happy New Year in Malta Gabbis ;)
/ Helene Isborn