Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Malta ABC

According to Gabi´s alphabet, we have now come to the letter M as in:I know one word in maltese (yes that is apparently a language) and that is hello, which suprise suprise, means hello.

In Sweden it is an unwritten law amongst all swedish people that you are NOT to speak to anyone, E V E R, that you dont know (unless you´re drunk, then everything goes). Even if you met a person several times, and probably have them on facebook, there is always an uncertainty if you are supposed to say hi to them if you see them on the street.

Therefore, the worst culture chock I have come into contact with here in Malta is that maltese men´s favourit word is hello!

When I was out walking (ehm, being lost as always) the other day, an older man with a dog stopped me, said hello and then explained that I should never ever give my mind, body or soul to anyone if I wasnt married. I didnt have the heart to tell him that that might be to late... Anyhow, after 10 minutes talking to him, he said goodbye and I wondered if I should ask him to be my facebook friend, since we already passed the awkward hello-dilemma. (Ehm, and also because Im a bit desparte after friends here in Malta). I didnt.

Otherwise, there is more often young men who wants to say hello, especially at night when Im walking home from work. Hello, hello, they say with a flirty smile, but I never stop ofcourse. But I wonder, does this hello-bit work on regular maltese women? Do they think that "ooh there is a charming fella, and he has such a way with words! I should stop and talk to him, then wait until we are married to give him my mind, body and soul!"

I just wonder, because if that is the case, then Hello is like the most genious pick up-line I ever heard!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Alltså det här med att du först bloggade som en galning, och sen slutade blogga helt utan förklaring, för att sen börja vansinnesblogga igen. Jag hänger inte med!
Det tar ett tag att vänja sig vid hysteria igen.
Men jag är ytterst glad och ytterst tacksam för att du börjat igen.