The other day I was listening to a radio show and they were talking about waking up in strange places. That made me associate to the one time I woke up on a bus, which is not the strangest place, but the circumstances around it was a bit.. ehm.. different, if we say it like that.
Last fall was a crazy time for me. I had three different jobs, wrote my bachelor thesis and was the president of the european studies program student union, active in every kind of sub-organisation of the student union etc. On top of that I tried to manage to keep my social life alive. Anyhow.
This particular day, I had worked the morning shift (6-9), spent some time at the library, probably had some meetings, before I was going to make an appearance at a masquerade. Me and two of my best mates decided to do a concept out-fit. A very good concept. We even got a little prize.
Around 2 oclock at night, after eating some cheese burgers (yes, this is a very important part of the story), I decided to make my way home. I decided to wait for the bus for 20 minutes instead of taking the tram that left earlier, just to avoid walking. Ofcourse, because I had gone up at 4.30 in the morning I fell asleep on the bus. The tragic is that I wasnt even that drunk. And all of a sudden, a concerned voice woke me up. I was at the end station, and now I had to walk home, which took me longer than if I would have took the tram.
At least I wasnt afraid that anyone would molest me (except maybe the USA), because this is what I looked like that night:

So yes, I can understand why the bus driver, looked a bit nervous when he woke me up.