After a long night at Arlanda Airport I finally arrived to Malta this morning.
I believe that it is very important to experience and get to know every countries habits and traditions so the first thing I did to adept to the Maltese Culture was to take a siesta. After this awesome power nap (hm, it might not be called a nap when it is 4 hours long) I decided to go out and do some exploring. I hade two missions in mind:
1. Find something to eat.
2. Find a grocery store.
Everything started out very well, my hotel is located right next to the harbor, this is the view I have to live with for the next week:

The excursion started out well. I walked for about 10 minutes, found food and, can you believe my luck, a grocery store just around the corner from the restaurant! Overjoyed with the success of my first out-in-Malta-experience I decided to head back home. Instead of taking the same way back, I saw another street leading down to the sea, I then thought:
-THIS MUST BE A SHORT CUT! (For my swedish readers, this is another example from when I thought I found a short cut:
After walking along the seaside for about 10 minutes, I realized I didn’t recognize anything. "Hm", I thought, "I must be walking in the wrong direction". So I decided to turn around and walk the other way. After another 40 minutes, carrying necessities like cheese, orange juice and beer, I realized I was lost. It then hit me; Malta is a freaking island, on a map it is just like a mosquito shit in the middle of the sea. I can’t just walk along the bayside, because the funny thing about an Island you see, is that there is water EVERYWHERE!
"Okey, DONT PANIC!", I was hyperventilating, "Malta only has an area of 316 kilometers, that is NOTHING, start walking away from the water, up the hill and see if you can find your way from there". I started walking uphill, cursing over the fact that I decided to buy 6 beers, instead of one. After another 40 minute walk in small alley-ways I decided to regroup. Too proud to admit to any of the locals that I was lost and ask for directions. I decided to go into a small street and look at the tiny tiny map I had brought with me (OK, it was not really a map, It was just a picture of the neighborhood where my hotel is at, that I got with the room key). 
Standing there, looking very confused, finally deciding to continue to walk uphill, I hear a voice.
- Yes?
I looked behind me, no one there; I looked in the parked car next to me, empty.
- Helloooo?
I looked up, and there was the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. The sunlight was hitting his face in way that made him look like a Mediterranean angel. The fact that he was speaking to me from the window above, didn’t help me NOT to thinking of him as some kind of a God.
- Where are you going?
With a bewildered face, I handed him the map to my hotel.
- Oh that hotel is just straight down this road. About a 5 minute walk.
He pointed in the opposite direction from what I previously planned to go.
- Thank you!
And yes, I made it home!
I think I’m going to like Malta. Especially if I get to meet lost in translation-angels every now and then.