Since, for some reason, facebook is banned in Vietnam (Im in Ho chi Minh right now, how was that spelling PP?) im going to use the blog as a way to tell my grandma that im alive. Farmor jag lever och mar bra, jag flyger hem den 1 juni.
To all you other people that reads this blog not to find out wheter im alive or not, but rather hear about Cambodia, I can reveal that I have filmed it all (ok some things will be deleteded and only talked about between two eyes) so a cambodialoco-movie will be released this summer. Great happening for anyone who wants to hear me laugh at my own jokes for about 15 minutes in different parts of asia. Until then, I have only one thing to say about Cambodia: Best trip ever. Temples, awesome local friends, sunsets, long nights, early mornings, sweat everywhere, good food, great chillout spots, and that is not even on the top of the list of awesome things we experienced in Cambodia. Because ofcourse top of the list is just the fact that Gabi and Pierre went to freaking Cambodia!
The end of this postcard-info from asia.