Sunday, December 25, 2011

BINGO with consequences

A tradition in Sweden the day before Christmas Eve is to play Bingo. Almost everyone who is "middle class" eats a ham sandwich (special christmas ham), dreams about winning the big cash and watch this awful tv show with swedish boy bands covering christmas carols as a entertainment between the Bingo games. In Sweden we call it "Uppesittarkväll" which is translated into "stay up all night, watch crappy TV and then complain about the fact that you never win, promise yourself that next year, we will not watch this shit or play this game ever again - but then next year, ofcourse you find yourself sitting there again".

Anyhow. The Christmas edition of Bingo is a bit different, which means that on each row, you can win different things if you get Bingo. For example, you can win 25000 swedish kronor (2500 euros), a dream vacation  or a new smart phone.

This year I found myself experiencing the "Uppesittarkväll"-fenomena once again, with the difference that this time, I won. I got BINGO! But I did not win a new car, I did not even win 100 kronor (10 euros). Instead, I won two schratching lottery ticktes.

Me: What?! This is the first time I got bingo ever, and I dont even get 100 kronor. I will just get two lottery tickets and the chance that I will win money on those is even smaller than the chance I had to get bingo!
Mom: What, no! This is perfect! We will go and collect the lottery tickets on monday - and we will become millionairs!
You know, that when I was young, you told me that if you win a lot of money on lottery tickets, you had to go to see a shrink!
This little girl was afraid of spiders, ghosts and winning money.

Mom: I did not!
Me: Yes you did, and for several years when someone gave me a lottery ticket, I was afraid that I had to go to therapy. You know that 25 kronor (2,50 euro) was a lot for a kid! I was afraid that I would go insane!
Mom: Well if it makes you feel better, I can get the tickets, keep the money and you can just go insane. I think you need some help anyhow.

Whatever does she mean?!

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