I have recently moved to a new appartment which means that I have been without Internet for over a week.
I have spent the extra time wisely, reading, cleaning, cooking, learning important things that a (Ehm, who am I kidding, I been going insane - my only safe place has been at work during lunch - when I have stared at facebook without even blinking for 60 minutes straight).
I went back. They told me that I needed at disc. They did not have the disc. I had to wait until tomorrow so the disc-guy could show up. BUT! There was another solution. I could go to the internetprovider and ask them to change the internet to WIFI. Then I could use the internet today - soon - like in a few hours - without any disc. Without having to wait until tomorrow!
So I went. I walked to the closest store, about 20 minutes away. But you know what, since it was a Tuesday at 15.15 the store was closed. Yes, that is Malta for you. So I went to the next store, another 15 minutes away. It did not exist!
But you should never give up! So, I decided to take a bus ride to the third store. That took another 45 minutes. And there it was. A internet store - and it was open! So I walked in, overfilled with the thought that later today, I could be spending my day off from work - watching Jersey Shore.
- No, you cannot get a wireless router unless you bring the old modem with you! the very unfriendly cashier said. BUT! You can go to the other Internet Store that is 15 minutes away and buy one for 50 euros, instead of coming back tomorrow and annoying me and getting one for free.
And look, now I have Internet. Not because I paid 15 minutes or the disc guy appeared from no where, and not even because the bitch-cashier felt sorry for me and gave me one anyhow. It is because Im a fucking loser who went to work on my day of so I could get my daily fix of THE INTERNET!
I need help.
lunarstorm är nu borta förevigt, likaså alla dina tonårsinlägg i dagboken. RIP
Haha jag vet! Men det var ju länge sedan?! Hejdå tonårsgabbis, nu får vi vänta 10 år till innan jag kan förfäras över allt som skrivs på denna blogg istället.
Det verkar som att det inte kommer upp något kommentarsfält när jag bloggar i från min iPhone, vilket är knepigt..
Haha tack för tipsen. Jag ska prova i natt om jag inte kan sova. Kommer med rapport i morgon ;)
Förstår dock inte hur du får ihop äpple - cykel. Haha.
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