Thursday, August 4, 2011

A question to my readers

I saw this advert today and I cant really get my head around it. For you english readers this ad is about a women, looking to by 30-35 kilos of wild boar meet. ASAP!

I cant figure it out. Why does someone need 30-35 kilos of boar meat? URGENTLY?! Is she going to have a Asterix and Obelix-party (my first guess) or has Lady Gaga ordered a new meat dress that needs to be done by tomorrow? (my second, and last guess)

Since this blog is called philosophical exercises with Gabriella, I think we should have a discussion about this. What do you guys think? Can any of my guesses be correct, or is this just a woman who loves her wild boar meat-bacon?

1 comment:

fredrik olsson said...

Det är ju helt klart så att hon skall bygga sig ett litet kött-gryt åt Sig och sina barn!