Thursday, August 25, 2011

Picture challenge - day 5

My blog pause is over, so lets get started again!

Day 05 - a picture of a time in your life that you miss.

I have lived for quite a long time now which means that I have lived in many cities, meeting many awesome friends. I do miss my friends at Beyond (Newcastle) and I do miss the student life in Gothenburg, and I do laugh when I remember that summer that I spent with my some of my closest friends in Falun. Even though I love all those memories, if someone came up to me and said that I could do one period of my life all over again, I would without a doubt in my mind say Hong Kong.

Right in the beginning...

Ofcourse people have asked me what HK was like, and it is always hard to explain. First of all, HK is an amazing city which has it all! The shopping, the night life, the sea, the nature, the free alcohol. But the one thing I miss the most, is the people. When you go on exchange, you are thrown together with people that are so different, but you biuld the strongest friendships in the shortest amount of time. I think that the sadest thing is that I can always go back to Gothenburg, Newcastle or Falun and most of my friends would be there or nearby, but The Hong Kong life will never be again.

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